
CDs and DVDs feed

world music and visuals

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"Asymmetric beauty" DVD Nadishana - Gorelik DVDg €17.00 ethno-fusion, ethno-jazz

"Asymmetric beauty" СD Nadishana - Gorelik СDg €12.00 ethno-fusion, ethno-jazz, the version just with audio

"Far&Near" СD Nadishana Trio (Nadishana-Metz-Shehan) СDf €15.00 world fusion, ethno-jazz, contemporary ethnic music

*Pack 7 CDs, get one for FREE! СDPa €75.00 Special offer – Buy 6 CDs and get one for free!

CD "Zero Density" (webworks) СDzd €12.00 New CD of Nadishana, web compilation

CD Nadishana - Innovative Jew's Harp CD_Inn €12.00 mouth harp music, ethnic, world fusion,

CD Nadishana - Live in Izhevsk CD_Li €12.00 ethnic, world fusion

CD Nadishana - Move Your Chakra! CD_Ch €12.00 healing, meditative

CD Nadishana - Penetration Into Substance CD_Pe €12.00 ethnic, world fusion

CD Nadishana - Takku Tatei CD_Ta €12.00 world fusion

CD Nadishana - The Traditional Music of Ancient Kuzhebar Aborigi CD_Ab €12.00 ethnic, world fusion

CD Phonic Duet CD_Ph €12.00 jazz, world fusion

CD Russian - Tuvinian Karma Knot CD_Kn €12.00 tuvinian throat singing, world fusion

DVD Organic & Inorganic DVDo €18.00 CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE videoart, meditative, visuals with music

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