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EOX drum 
Melodic Steel Tongue Drum - RAV drum 

Melodic Steel Tongue Drum - RAV drum
Melodic Steel Tongue Drum - RAV drum

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Opinion of turen about:
I recieved my Futujara yesterday and I am very pleased! The design is amazing and the instrument is very well made. I am thoroughly pleased thank you very much! It is a bit quite than I expected and I was wondering if you have any reccomended microphones or pickups that will attach comfortably to the instrument for use with an amplifier. Thank you again I am very happy with my purchase!
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Handmade Hat with Application (Kuzhebar Design)

Handmade Hat with Application (Kuzhebar Design)

Цена за шт. (piece): €60.00

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Limited edition!
Handmade hat with application in "penduka" style. In the Oshiwambo and Otjiherero languages the word Penduka means “Wake Up!”
100% Cotton.One size. Because of its stretching abilities, hat fits exactly to your head shape. Unisex.

Kuzhebar Design Studio is happy to present you new hat´s edition with application made by using needlework motifs of namibian woman. Each hat has a unique set of symbols. Each symbol of the needlework has a meaning. With the symbols namibian woman tell their personal stories, share their thoughts and dreams. The main idea here is to be able to value the things your life gives to you, even if they are just simple things.

some meaning examples


How to carry:
Only hand wash by 40 degrees. It will keep better the form after washing if you let it dry out on a form similar to the head shape.
F.e. it could be just a big glass bottle.

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Ghost Keeper Pendant

Изменено: Saturday, 04 May 2024 11:47

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Kuzhebar Design Nadishana on YouTube Nadishana Vkontakte.ru Nadishana on Facebook Ethnic Musical ShopNadishana - official website


Rare ethnic musical instruments for sell: percussion, jew's harps: khomus, kou xiang, dan moi, ncaas; overtone flutes. fujara, futujara, kalyuka