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EOX drum 
Melodic Steel Tongue Drum - RAV drum 

Melodic Steel Tongue Drum - RAV drum
Melodic Steel Tongue Drum - RAV drum

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Opinion of turen about:
I recieved my Futujara yesterday and I am very pleased! The design is amazing and the instrument is very well made. I am thoroughly pleased thank you very much! It is a bit quite than I expected and I was wondering if you have any reccomended microphones or pickups that will attach comfortably to the instrument for use with an amplifier. Thank you again I am very happy with my purchase!
New ethnic instruments and music:) PDF Печать E-mail
Автор: Vladiswar Nadishana   
12.07.2011 11:03

Dear friends!

New Instruments for sale

1) We're happy to inform you about major update on out ethnic instruments store. New instruments available:


New album 2) New album release of Nadishana - Gorelik duo "Asymmetric beauty". Innovative acoustic fusion of jazz and ethnic music. It's available as DVD video, CD audio or Mp3 album and it's also released on iTunes. Featuring two special guests: well known european musicians David Kuckhermann and Raphael DeCock.


Nadishana Trio CD 3) Nadishana Trio (Nadishana - Shehan - Metz) CD "Far&Near"
is ready and will be out in a couple of weeks:)

Обновлено 12.07.2011 11:07

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Kuzhebar Design Nadishana on YouTube Nadishana Vkontakte.ru Nadishana on Facebook Ethnic Musical ShopNadishana - official website


Rare ethnic musical instruments for sell: percussion, jew's harps: khomus, kou xiang, dan moi, ncaas; overtone flutes. fujara, futujara, kalyuka