I recieved my Futujara yesterday and I am very pleased! The design is amazing and the instrument is very well made. I am thoroughly pleased thank you very much! It is a bit quite than I expected and I was wondering if you have any reccomended microphones or pickups that will attach comfortably to the instrument for use with an amplifier. Thank you again I am very happy with my purchase!
Snake Compact Didgeridoo designed
Futujara (5 in 1) - painted in BROWN opaque (new!)
CD "Zero Density" (webworks)
HuLuSi Professional, top quality
Ghost Catcher - advanced mouth bow
Tsaaj Nplaim (Raj Nplaim, Mèo) flute from Hmong people of Laos
The prices on a site are shown without shipping costs and VAT. After we'll get your order we'll come back to you with final calculation including shipping costs, VAT and payment methods.
Ghost Catcher (stringed) is a traditional instrument of Kuzhebar people (South Siberia). It is a kind of mouth bow, but unlike other mouth bows it has little fingerboard and 2 strings, so it is possible to play melodies on it strumming the strings by right hand, and pressing the strings to the fingerboard by left hand. It is also possible to play on it with a stick, this technique reminds the berimbao playing. The instrument should be placed in front of the mouth and modulated like a jaw harp. We sell improved version of the ghost catcher which we modified and developed ourselves. Shipped with a small stick.
Ghost Catcher is named so because it was used by shamans in Siberia
for ritual reasons. They believed that the sound of this instrument have a special influence to the insects and ghosts. They was trying to cooperate with the "collective consciousness" of ghosts or insects because people can do many things with their help which they can't do alone. They tell that this is "quiet instrument, because originally it was supposed to be played not for people but for ghosts and insects". They also used it to "hunt" on ghosts. Kuzhebar people used to believe that they need to eat special kind of ghosts, because human body needs it. They use to classify those ghosts to 3 categories by edibility: edible, inedible (poor) and poisonous. Only strongest shamans was able to hunt to "poisonous ghosts".
Hi Nadishana, the Ghost Catcher arrived safely yesterday, many thanks. It's a great instrument, I am already addicted. Dave
NICOLAS (Sunday, 01 February 2009)
It's an amazing instrument. It looks simple but you've got many possibilities, you can play with your fingers, a stick, a mediator and use your mouth
for modulate the sound. It's amoder kind of mouthbow.
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Last Updated: Thursday, 21 November 2024 18:30
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Rare ethnic musical instruments for sell: percussion, jew's
harps: khomus, kou xiang, dan moi, ncaas; overtone flutes. fujara, futujara,